How to convert CSV file to Base64 in Ruby?

In Ruby, converting CSV files to Base64 is a seamless process that enhances data portability and integration capabilities. This guide demonstrates the simple steps required to perform this conversion, catering to a variety of application needs. If you're in search of a quick, no-code solution, I created a free online CSV to Base64 converter, efficiently catering to both coding and non-coding needs.

Reading the CSV file

Begin by reading the content of your CSV file with Ruby's File class. This involves opening the file, reading its contents, and storing the data in a variable.

# Replace 'path/to/your/file.csv' with the path to your CSV file
csv_content ='path/to/your/file.csv')

This line of code efficiently reads the content of the CSV file into the csv_content variable as a string.

Encoding the CSV Content to Base64

With the CSV content in hand, proceed to encode it into Base64 using Ruby's Base64 module. This module provides both standard and strict encoding methods to suit different requirements.

require 'base64'

# Standard Base64 encoding
encoded_csv = Base64.encode64(csv_content)

# For a version without line breaks, use strict encoding
strict_encoded_csv = Base64.strict_encode64(csv_content)

Base64.encode64 method introduces line feeds every 60 characters, which might not be suitable for all contexts. On the other hand, Base64.strict_encode64 generates a continuous, uninterrupted encoded string, perfect for use cases that require a compact format without line breaks.

Ruby's Base64 module simplifies the process of converting CSV files into a Base64 encoded string, making it straightforward to handle and transmit data across different systems and protocols. And that's it, you now have your CSV data encoded in Base64, ready for any application that requires this format.